Tips for maintaining your dental prosthesis

Sourire belles dents

Tips after the mouthing for your dental prosthesis.

If you recognize any of the following symptoms following the acquisition of a dental prosthesis, do not worry, because they may fade over time.

On the other hand, if they persist more than 72 hours, do not hesitate to contact your denturologist to make an appointment of control.

  • Instability during laughter, yawning, during movements of the mandible or when chewing.
  • Discomfort and clutter : often caused by the different volume of the old prosthesis.
  • Nausea : caused by adaptation to the new prosthesis.
  • Pronunciation disorder : especially when the volume of the new prosthesis is larger than the old one.
  • Hypersalivation : created by the discomfort or clutter of the new prosthesis.
  • Disturbance of taste : the new prosthesis may seem to hide the taste, but with time the sensation of taste gradually returns.
  • For any other discomfort related to the wearing of the new prosthesis, please contact your denturologist as soon as possible to make an appointment to control.

Did you know?

If you wear the same prosthesis for years, your oral physiognomy, that is, the surrounding  mouth-like structures may change. Prostheses have a supporting role for the lips and cheeks.
Over the years, the resorption of your gums, in short, the gradual reduction of the gums, combined with the wear of dental prostheses have the effect of digging the base of the nose, creasing the contour of the lips and  increasing the movement of closing of the mouth.
Thus, the periodic verification of dental prostheses is essential.
Remember that a complete prosthesis must be corrected, if not replaced, on average every five years, sometimes much earlier for a lower prosthesis because the gingiva changes shape due to bone resorption and becomes narrower and lower.

A new dental prosthesis : a new apprenticeship and a new adaptation.

It must be remembered that at the very beginning, you owe it to yourself to be patient, as it takes a certain amount of time before you accept the prosthesis as part of your body.

Do not expect to be able to chew easily and effectively right away. This requires learning that will happen over time.

Insertion of the partial denture.

The partial prosthesis has an insertion plan that must be respected.
It is better to practice the first insertions in front of a mirror.
It is strongly discouraged to bite the partial to insert it.
This could misalign the hooks, through the prosthesis, damage the teeth or injure the surrounding tissues.

As for the partial denture disinsertion, it is in the same direction as insertion.

Using your dental prosthesis at night.

It is recommended to remove the prosthesis at night.
It is important to keep it in a damp environment.
A glass of water may be enough but it is still better to soak his dentures in a cleaning product.

How to clean your complete or partial denture.

Never use bleach or any other product that may be corrosive to the prosthesis, because the advantage of using mild products is to maintain the luster of the teeth, to reduce premature wear or thinning of your prosthesis teeth acrylic.
The best method is to clean the denture after each meal with clean water and a soft toothbrush.
If you want a cleaning product, use those designed for this purpose.
If stains persist, consult your denturologist.
Sometimes there is tartar formation which is a yellowish substance that adheres to the teeth even prosthetic and on the prosthesis, because some oral environments are more acidic than others.
If this is the case, your denturologist can perform a complete cleaning and polishing of your prostheses.

Good oral hygiene includes the following means :

  • Remove and clean your denture and teeth after each meal or snack.
  • Brush over a sink filled with water or a towel because dental prostheses are slippery when wet, so this will absorb shock if the prosthesis is dropped.
  • When cleaning, hold the dental prosthesis so as to avoid overtightening it and risk distorting it.
    It is therefore advisable to hold it on one side only.
  • Even if you wear full dentures, it is important to take care of your gums.
    As soon as you remove your dentures, rinse your mouth thoroughly and then massage your gums with a soft toothbrush.
    If you wear partial dentures, you must clean the remaining natural teeth with a toothbrush and dental floss every day.

Recommandations :

An annual checkup is recommended.
It can detect any current problem and prevent potential ones.
It also reveals whether there is a need for denture adjustment or renewal.

At the same time, we can clean and polish the prostheses, if necessary.



Denture clinic
Type de service
Denture clinic
Nom du fournisseur
Nancy Bibeau denture clinic,
161 Angus Sud, #2,East Angus,QC-J0B 1R0,
Telephone No.+1-819-571-9830
Complete and partial prosthesis. Free consultation at the denture clinic.